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Vincent de paul rehabitation center

November 14, 2011

This organization provides help to physically/mentally handicapped women/girls with their needs which include orphans/the families that are not able to provide financial support for their well being or maturity. They also help in training and becoming self sufficient and with their education. They have been doing this for about 15 years and they are lacking funds to meet all of their requirements for the affected. They take people ranging from 3yrs-70yrs. They run the school of their own and train the kids with different activities that would make them self-sufficient.

Our contributions

Sankhalpam in association with Sanhitha and Shiva donated mattresses and other stuff that will be used by the kids daily. This donation will help kids get some nice rest after a long day. We thank Sanhitha , Shiva Rajeev and Hima for their donation and Sankhalpam Volunteers for organizing. Coincidentally the day happened to be children’s day in india.


10 mattresses
Rs. 4,700
Rs. 500 each
10 mattress covers
Rs. 300
Rs. 30 each
10 Pillow & Blankets
Rs. 500
Rs. 50 each
Lunch for all at the center
Rs. 2,000
Rs. 200
Rs. 300
Rs. 8,000/-

November 14, 2011
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